Monday, 24 February 2014

How Little Bunda Came To Be

Inspired by a friend's sea-change, Tiff and I decided to explore the opportunities for a tree-change, or at least a part-time one.  Luckily with a job that takes her all over NSW looking at people's properties (and an ability to spy on them from satellites), Tiff was ideally suited to sniff out something suitable and in May 2013, whilst doing a flora and fauna survey on a property 40 minutes north-west of Bathurst, she came across the perfect spot.

Part of a bigger property called Bundaburra, Little Bunda was part of a sub-division as it was unsuitable for running cattle on due to its steep topography and dense woodland.  Dense woodland and steep topography appealed greatly to us so we snapped it up.

It didn't take long to agree on a price, but the mortgaging and sale process took a ridiculously long time so it wasn't until October 2013 that we finally settled and were able to really start exploring it.

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