Monday, 24 February 2014

Bird Lists

I can't remember any birds from the first visit.  The landholder walked us up through the cleared area - "ideal spot for a dwelling" - through the wood to what is now known as The Callitris Lookout, a stand of Black Callitris on the ridge with views between trees across the Macquarie flood plain.  There were clear signs of Kangaroos, Echidnas and Wombats but I cannot recall a single bird sighting from that day!  Amazing to think we are now up to 65; not that I have seen them all as Tiff, living closer, has had a few extra visits.

Little Bunda

The "official" bird lists started in August 2013 when the land wasn't even ours.  The hunt for The Mystery Pond saw us stray onto the neighbouring property looking for a gentle way down the ridge but all we found was exposed track and a wild pig.  Crossing back over the "border" we were rewarded with our first threatened species, a Diamond Firetail and not much later the second, a pair of Speckled Warblers.  As we trudged back up the hill, we spotted out third, a Scarlet Robin.  Not a bad way to start the list!  Among other sightings that day was a Wedge-tailed Eagle high over-head, a White-throated Treecreeper (now known as Lungs as it never seems to draw breath) and the ever present shadow of a Grey Fantail, stalking us and demanding to be counted.

The Mystery Pond

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